Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Joining Susan for

In a neglected spot in the garden

these 'weeds' grow happily in

each other's company!

I did not plant them,

but the color combination

could not be any more

pleasing to the eye!

Taking note of the simple beauty wrought

by The Master's Hand!


FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Those are beautiful weeds and how wonderful that they were planted by the Ultimate Gardener.


Nadine said...

ahh...beautiful weeds! :)

Lovely weather we are finally having!


Sharon said...

Now those weeds I don't think I would mind having :) Beautiful colors and scenery Raeann :)

Have a great day!

The B's said...

God does seem to have a lovely way with weeds, doesn't He?

Anonymous said...

Those are weeds GET OUT!! boy I have a lot to learn about gardening hehehe. I kind of like them there pretty lol ~Love Heather

g.suzie said...

Some people have all the luck...
Even grow 'pretty weeds'!

Jennifer said...

They really are lovely....I love it! Lovely weeds:)

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Don't you just love it when something that wonderful just simply pops up? Last year I pulled out a thistle that was growing behind a ladder I have propped up against my fence to support a climber. This year I saw that it came back. After closer inspection I realized it was a poppy. What a delightful surprise when it bloomed ant it was salmon colored. I've been wanting a salmon one. God works in mysterious ways. Thanks so much for visiting my blog.

Marqueta (Mar-kee-ta) G. said...

Dear Lady Farmer,

What a beautiful combination! Nature constantly astounds me!



Heather at Dusty Bay said...

They do compliment each other!

Kathi said...

Your weeds are prettier than mine!! Your blog is so pretty and refreshing to my soul. Thank you for sharing so many lovely things. Your photos are beautiful. Kathi