Came in a potted Peony I purchased.
(I've named it Breath of Heaven ~it's scent is so divine!)
Double purple lilac

Rescued Rhododendron
Ajuga (with bee) in the 'wild' (read=neglected, unweeded, forgotten) part of the garden.

Solomon's Seal in the shade of the Banana Apple Tree.
(I'm saving seeds of this one. They will be available
at Lady Farmers Seed Swap soon!)
Rescued Rhododendron
Solomon's Seal in the shade of the Banana Apple Tree.
(My Grandmother's favorite shade!)

Pink Bleeding Hearts
Green Hellebore Seedpods.
Dainty Sweet Woodruff.
Winesap Apple Blossom.
Joining Cindy for Show and Tell Friday!
Pink Bleeding Hearts
(This little plant is sooo tiny ~ the stem stands about 3 inches tall!
The wee little flowers are so precious! I don't have the heart to tear it out!)

Head on over to see what other's have to share!
Your garden is beautiful! I hope you post pictures each month! ~Marcy
Wow, beautiful! Keep the pictures coming I so enjoy them!
So pretty; and I love the new blog background with the pansies, butterflies, and the sweet Victorian misses. =)
Lovey flowers everywhere! Each photo is beautiful! You have lots happening in your garden in May!
Lovely photos of your garden! We have some of the same plants blooming around here too!
I adore your pink dogwood...that is on my garden wish list! :)
How GORGEOUS it all is!! I *love* lilacs too...your white ones are very pretty! How glorious God's creation is...thanks for stopping by to encourage me to try again! :)
Have a wonderful weekend!
Maybe those teeny flower are the Next Big Thing in horticulture, and you'll be so happy you didn't pull them up!!
What a gorgeous yard you have.
Oh my...the flowers are just so lovely :)
Ahhh, the lilacs...the scent must be wonderful.
Thank you dear friend for sharing,
B E A U T I F U L!!!!!!!!!!! I so want to come to your garden. It would be fun to sit and talk and sit and talk with you!!!!!! Heaven? here we all come one day!
Love, Linda
Prairie Flower
Dear Lady Farmer,
Ah, what a breath of fresh air! All the colors of the rainbow, combining to make a veritable Eden :). You must have a hard time going inside this time of year!
Sooo Beautiful!
I know what you mean...some weeds are just so sweet! I don't suppose God considers them "weeds", do you? We humans put too many labels on things.
Beautiful garden! We are so fortunate to live and garden in the Northwest. A little spoiled perhaps. Thanks for visiting me today and I am certainly glad I found your it!
Your flowers are gorgeous!! I love the bleeding heart especially.
Beautiful. I love my garden so much and enjoy seeing, reading and talking "gardening talk". Your pictures are so beautiful and I have to say, make me long for spring already :)
Amy at Verde Farm
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